Letras Web

Buried Inside

Buried Inside tem o estilo Hard Rock e suas músicas de sucesso são: "Time As Resistance", "V", "Terrortourismology".

133 acessos

Todas as Letras

  1. Clockwork (Birth of the Chronophile)
  2. Eve of Forever
  3. Fallacy of Wildlife Conservation
  4. I
  5. II
  6. III
  7. In and of the Self
  8. IV
  9. Kroc of Shit
  10. Progress Is Dead and Death Is Progress
  11. Racking the Skulls of American Golgatha
  12. Social Skingraft
  13. Terrortourismology
  14. The Seductive Nature of Female Sexuality
  15. The Transit Gloria Mundi
  16. Time As Abjection
  17. Time As Commodity
  18. Time As Ideology
  19. Time As Imperialism
  20. Time As Resistance
  21. Time As Surrogate Religion
  22. Unendowed (Come Join the Party)
  23. V