Letras Web

The Fall Of An Empire (tradução)


5 acessos

Tanto para nossa batalha
E a liberdade de Osyrhia
A escuridão caiu sobre nós
Nunca poderia ser desfeita
Pelo caminho de sombras de mil anos
Veremos nossos reinos cair na escuridão
Embora eu tenha tentado reinos há muito esquecidos
E os bosques e planícies de Siridian
Tudo aquilo que era tão amado
Será transformado em pó quando o tempo passar
As visões dançam na escuridão de minha mente
Assim irá terminar nossa batalha
E a liberdade de Osyrhia
O lorde das trevas invicto
Ao menos irá ter sua hora
Que por todas as lutas e promessas que tivemos
Os Deuses nos desertaram, ou foi a luz?
Por minhas palavras estou pedindo para os Deuses
Guiarem-me através da escuridão
Eu resistirei por todos
Os sonhos escurecidos
Invocaram um grito de liberdade
Enquanto eu tentei, e eu tentei
As lágrimas iluminadas do sofrimento
Caíram nestes sonhos
Que nunca foram meus
A queda de um império
Ergue milhares de gritos
Que nunca morrem
As lágrimas iluminadas do sofrimento
Caíram nestes sonhos
Que nunca foram meus
A queda de um império
Ergue milhares de gritos
Gritos que nunca morrem
Desde então nós marchamos
Através de um deserto de esperança
E ainda nossas paixões sobrevivem
A vontade almejada pelos reinos que perdemos aqui
A voz dos heróis ressoa novamente
Pela terra de nossa liberdade, nossa terra
Coragem de todos, e a claridade da Luz
Mas ainda o império cai

Letra original

So much for our battle
and the freedom of Osyrhia
The darkness laid upon us
could never be undone
By the way of shadows from a thousand years
We'll see our kingdoms fall into darkness
Yet I tried realms now long forgoten
and the woods and plains of Siridian
All that was long beloved will be turned to dust when time comes by
The visions dance into the darkness of my mind
Thus will end our battle
and the freedom of Osyrhia
The dark lord undefeated
at least will get his time
What for all the fights and promises we've had
Have Gods deserted us, or was it the light?
By my words I'm asking for Gods to guide me through the dark
I'll satand for all
The darkend dreams have called a freedom cry
as I've tried, and I tried
The shining tears of sorrow fallen in these dreams
Were never mine
The fall of an empire raise a thousand screams
that never die
The shining tears of sorrow fallen in these dreams
Were never mine
The fall of an empire raise a thousand screams
Screams that never die
Since then we've marched through a desert of hope
and yet our passion remais
The longing will for the kingdoms we've lost here
The voice of heroes thunders again
through the land of our freedom, our land
Courage of all, and the shining of Light
But still the empire falls
By my words I'm asking for Gods to guide me through the dark
I'll satand for all
The darkend dreams have called a freedom cry
as I've tried, and I tried
The shining tears of sorrow fallen in these dreams
Were never mine
The fall of an empire raise a thousand screams
that never die
The shining tears of sorrow fallen in these dreams
Were never mine
The fall of an empire raise a thousand screams
Screams that never die
Since then we've marched through a desert of hope
and yet our passion remais
The longing will for the kingdoms we've lost here
The voice of heroes thunders again
through the land of our freedom, our land
Courage of all, and the shining of Light
But still the empire falls

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