Letras Web

Obsidian Gate

Obsidian Gate tem o estilo Indefinido e suas músicas de sucesso são: "Dux Bellorum", "The Obsidian Eternity And Anguish", "Behold The Imperial Rise".

105 acessos

Todas as Letras

  1. Behold The Imperial Rise
  2. Colossal Christhunt
  3. Dux Bellorum
  4. From The Infinite Forge Of Time
  5. Invoke The Dragon Constellation
  6. Of Pures Pandaemonium
  7. The Bethorian Shrine
  8. The Obsidian Eternity And Anguish
  9. Tide Of The Envenomed Oceans
  10. Urgewalten
  11. When Death Unchains The Spectre